Who Killed Fatima (s.a.) ???
We can not close our eyes to the undeniable facts documented even by the Sunni scholars, and yet claim to have Ijma'a. After the demise of the Prophet (S), those who heed what the Messenger of Allah ordered them such as Ammar Ibn Yasir, Abu-Dhar al-Ghafari, Miqdad, Salman al-Farsi, Ibn Abbas, and others such as al-Abbas, Utbah Ibn Abi Lahab, Bara Ibn Azib, Ubay Ibn Ka'b, Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas ... etc., all gathered in the house of Fatimah (sa). Even Talha and al-Zubair were loyal to Imam 'Ali at the beginning and joint the others in the house of Fatimah (sa)....
They assembled in the house of Fatimah as a place of refuge since they were opposing the majority of people. According to the authentic traditions in Sahih al-Bukhari, Umar confessed that the Imam 'Ali (as) and his followers opposed Abu Bakr.
Al-Bukhari narrated:
Umar said: "And no doubt after the death of
the Prophet we were informed that the Ansar disagreed with us and gathered in
the shed of Bani Sa'da.”Ali and Zubair and whoever was with them, opposed us,
while the emigrants gathered with Abu Bakr."
Sunni Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, v8, Tradition #817 Other Sunni traditionists narrated that on the day of Saqifah:
Umar said: "Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Zubair Ibn
Awwam and those who were with them separated from us (and gathered) in the
house of Fatimah, daughter of the messenger of Allah."
- Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, vl, p55
- Sirah al-Nabawiyyah, by Ibn Hisham, v4, p309
- History of Tabari (Arabic), vl, p1822
Also: demanded confirmation of the oath, but 'Ali and al-Zubair stayed away. Al-Zubair drew his sword (from the scabbard), saying, "I will not put it back until the oath of allegiance is rendered to 'Ali." When this news reached Abu Bakr and Umar, the latter said, "Hit him with a stone and seize the sword."It is stated that Umar rushed (to the door of the House of Fatimah) and brought them forcibly while telling them that they must give their oath of allegiance willingly or unwillingly.
Sunni reference: History of al-Tabari, English
version, v9, pp 188-189
Now let us see what Umar did on those days. Sunni historians reported that: When Umar came to the door of the house of Fatimah, he said: "By Allah, I shall burn down (the house) over you unless you come out and give the oath of allegiance (to Abu Bakr)."
Sunni References:
- History of Tabari (Arabic), vl, pp 1118-1120
- History of Ibn Athir, v2, p325
- al-Isti'ab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3, p975
- Tarikh al-Kulafa, by Ibn Qutaybah, v1, p20
- al-Imamah wal-Siyasah, by Ibn Qutaybah, vl,
Abu Bakr said on the authority of an authentic report that, after the demise of the holy Prophet when the people had paid fealty to him, 'Ali and Zubair used to go to Fatimah al-Zahra (sa), daughter of the Prophet, for consultation. When this fact was known to Umar, he went to Fatimah and said:
"O' daughter of the Prophet! I didn't love
anyone as much as I loved your father, nor anyone after him is more loving to
me as you are. But I swear by Allah that if these people assemble here with
you, then this love of mine would not prevent me from setting your house on
Sunni references:
- History of Tabari, in the events of the year 11
- al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah by Ibn Qutaybah, vl,
beginning of the book, and pp 19-20
- Izalatul Khilafa, by Shah Waliullah Muhaddith
Dehlavi, v2, p362
- Iqd al-Farid, by Ibn Abd Rabbah al-Malik, v2,
chapter of Saqifah
Also it is reported that: Umar said to Fatimah (who was behind the door of her house): "I know that the Prophet of God did not love any one more than you, but this will not stop me to carry out my decision. If these people stay in your house, I will burn the door in front of you."
Sunni reference: Kanz al-Ummal, v3, p140
In fact Shibli Numani himself testifies the above
event in the following words:
"From Umar's irritable and peevish temperament
such an action on his part was not improbable."
Sunni reference: al-Faruq, by Shibli Numani, p44
It is also reported that:
Abu Bakr said (on his death bed): "I wish I
had not searched for Fatimah's house, and had not sent men to harass her,
though it would have caused a war if her house would have continued to be used
as a shelter."
Sunni references:
History of Ya'qubi, v2, pp 115-116
- Ansab Ashraf, by al-Baladhuri, vl, pp 582,586
Also Jouhari in his book said: "Umar and a few Muslims went to the house of Fatimah to burn it down and to burn those who were in opposition."Ibn Shahna said the same statement adding "to burn the house and inhabitants".
Furthermore, it is reported that:
'Ali and Abbas were sitting inside the house of
Fatimah, Abu Bakr told Umar: "Go and bring them; if they refuse, kill
them."Umar brought fire to burn the house. Fatimah came near the door and
said: "O son of Khattab, have you come to burn our house on me and my
children?"Umar replied: "Yes I will, by Allah, until they come out
and pay allegiance to the Prophet's Caliph."
Sunni reference:
- Iqd al-Fareed, by Ibn Abd Rabb, Part 3, Pg. 63
- al-Ghurar, by Ibn Khazaben, related from Zayd Ibn Aslam
The Messenger of Allah (S) had frequently said:
"Fatimah is a part of me. Whoever makes her angry, makes me angry."
Sunni references:
- Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, v5, Traditions
#61 and #111
- Sahih Muslim, section of virtues of Fatimah, v4,
pp 1904-5
According to al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Messenger
of Allah has testified that Fatimah is the best of the ladies of the worlds: Sahih
al-Bukhari Hadith: 4.819
Narrated 'Aisha:
The Messenger of Allah said to Fatimah (who was crying at her father's deathbed): "Are you not satisfied that you are the chief of all the ladies of Paradise or the chief of all the believing women?"
Allah, Exalted He is, said in Qur'an:
"(O Prophet) tell (people) I don't ask you any wage except to love my family." (Qur'an 42:23).
He also said:
"(O Prophet) tell (people) whatever I asked as wage (in return or my prophethood) is in the benefit of you (people)."(Qur'an 34:47).
The above two verses of Holy Qur'an explicitly
indicate that the Prophet, with the order of Allah, has asked people to love
his family as a command. Moreover loving them is in our benefit since
"true love"requires to follow and obey the purified members of his
family who carry his true Sunnah. It is unfortunate that those who claimed to
be his sicere companions inflicted such horrible pains to his family while a
week had not been passed since the death of the Prophet (S). Is this the love,
Allah ordered for the family of prophet?
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